I have to say I LOVED this past weekend!!
On Friday night we met up with our good friends for dinner. I had grey goose and seltzer as my cocktail. (or grey goose and vodka as I said on accident lol). For my appetizer I had steamed mussels and my entree was a bun free turkey burger with avocado, swiss and mushrooms. I am so mad I forgot to take pictures but I get this combo a lot so you will see a picture soon!
Saturday morning I got to work on a new pancake recipe. I went with a coconut flour recipe after last weeks wheat-free almond flour pancake bust
I got the recipe from a gym newsletter – you can find it here
As usual I weighed, measured and recorded everything ?
My plate looked like this: 2 whites, cheese, 1/3 Serving of coconut flour pancakes, 1TBSP Peanut Butter
These were goooooooood! Much better than last weeks recipe. I don’t know if they are my clear winner for pancakes but not too bad. They were a tiny bit dry – I am actually tossing around the idea of modifying them by taking out the honey and adding more coconut milk to make a sandwich wraps. We will see but I def say try these.
After this we hot the water! What an amazingly beautiful perfect day!
Later on we took our boat to a friends house
Sunday was the same day on repeat plus some added fuzz…