Pumpkin Cottage Cheese

Hello and happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying it. It is so warm here in NY and I am loving every second of it.

When I was writing my post about my pumpkin favorites I decided I wanted to share an awesome healthy, low carb, diabetic friendly pumpkin treat with you – so I chose my pumpkin cottage cheese.

I started making this a couple of years ago but I really perfected it this year thanks to the Torani Pumpkin Pie Syrup! This is so yummy and satisfying, I hope you try it and enjoy it as much as I do. ?

Pumpkin Cottage Cheese

1/4 Cup Canned Pumpkin (I used trader Joe’s organic pumpkin) 25cals/5carbs
1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese (I use Horizon organic regular) 120cals/4carbs
1 TBSP Torani Pumpkin Pie Syrup
1/4 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon (I use Ceylon cinnamon – it has a smoother taste than regular cinnamon)
1/8 Tsp Nutmeg

TOPPINGS (feel free to change these based on your taste buds!) :
9g or 1TBSP Pumpkin Seeds (55cals/1Carb)
3g or 1/2 TBSP Walnuts (25cals)

TOTAL: 225Cals/10Carbs


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My Pumpkin Favorites

Since today is Halloween and there is only 1 month left of pumpkin season I decided to share my pumpkin favorites. I have been eating/using most of these for years now. Some, like the Noosa Yogurt are new additions. As a self proclaimed “pumpkin queen” I consider myself an expert on all things pumpkin. ? As a Type 1 Diabetic that likes to stay fit and eat healthy, low carb, diabetic friendly meals/snacks – I am very picky about my pumpkin treats. Pumpkin stuff tends to be very sweet and loaded with sugar. But not all of it! I hope you enjoy and try some of these yourself.

My Pumpkin Favorites

Trader Joe’s Canned Organic Pumpkin: The Basic, I love that Trader Joe’s sells organic pumpkin. Most health food stores do as well. I use this in SO MANY recipes including smoothies, my pumpkin cottage recipe (coming soon!) and pumpkin custard to name a few! Sometimes I even mix it with some full fat ricotta, vanilla and stevia – creamy, sweet and low carb!

Torani Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie Syrup: They also have pumpkin spice syrup but I am a pumpkin pie kind of girl. I mostly use this in my smoothies and in my pumpkin cottage recipe coming soon! I actually do not like it in coffee like most people do. I hate syrups in my coffee – I am all about half & half. ?

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Waffles: I eat these one way – one waffle toasted  with a huge slice of provolone, mozzarella or muenster melted on it. This is SO GOOD – its the perfect sweet and savory treat – try it!

Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask: All natural, smells great and it burns a bit when you apply it. I like the burn because I know it is working.

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds: I almost didn’t get these because they are higher in carbs but I made it work. I eat half a serving (I weigh it on my food scale) with a big piece of mozzarella and some beef jerky. Its one of my favorite snacks. Sweet and Savory!

Noosa Pumpkin Yoghurt: This is also nigh in carbs but again, I make it work (I do not like to say no to myself when I really want something!). So, I have half a serving of this too (It’s a big container) and I add walnuts to it. This Yogurt is so creamy and delish.

Have your own pumpkin favorites? Let me know, I love to try new pumpkintastic treats!
Happy Halloween!

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Torani vs. DaVinci Taste Test!

Hey Yall

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good thanks to a lot of nothingness lol. The past few weekends have been the most uneventful weekends I have had in a long time. I am simply taking in every uneventful moment because the past year of my life was a whirlwind. Between the wedding, vacations, honeymoons, other weddings, a new boat to name a few things… it felt like we never had a moment to ourselves. What happened to the days where we used to binge watch TV all day? lol Honestly, I don’t even want to do that anymore – it makes me feel so lazy. I like a nice in between ?

So Friday after work I had to stop at a few stores and I made this dinner again because I still had 2 scallion pancakes, sauce and even leftover cilantro:

Saturday we had to sit around in the house because our bed frame was delivered. It was coming between 1-4pm and wound up getting there about 4pm on the dot. I did make a grain free lemon cake which did not come out good. I had high hopes & wanted to make it all summer so I’m happy I finally got to it but it was disappointing. Very Dry.  I had to leave the house after I started to make it to get more almond flour. I only had about a cup left and I needed 1.5 cups! I was slightly annoyed lol #fail

But our bed looks amazing!! I just need to do something about the exposed mattress. I have a king sized comforter so I don’t know why its so short �?

Saturday night Brian decided to make me dinner and he didn’t skimp! Filet Mignon, bacon + spinach stuffed mushrooms, lobster tail and broccoli rabe. Life was good ?

Sunday we took the boat out. It was pretty cold and windy so we zipped around, took in the ocean and sea air then went out to lunch. We took this boat selfie.

Torani vs. DaVinci Taste Test!

I bought a few DaVinci syrups last year and among them was cookie dough. This year I wanted to buy a pumpkin pie flavored syrup and I didn’t know what brand to go with. So since I was low on cookie dough from DaVinci I bought it from Torani and tried them both to see which made my taste buds happier

It took me a while to decide. I made 2 cups of coffee and added 1.5 TBSP of syrup to each. I kept going back and forth and in the end for me, it was Torani. I am very picky with this stuff. You would think that eating sugar free stuff my whole life would make me used to it. I will take the real sugar version any day if I could. I don’t love fake tastes. DaVinci tastes a little bit more fake – just slightly.

So, do you have a favorite brand and or flavor? What do you make with it? I like to use syrups mostly in smoothies.


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