I call this “No BS Blood Sugar Friday” because these are my exact blood sugars from the day before. The highs, the lows, the good and the bad with no bullsh!t! No going up, down or making up a number to make myself seem like a perfect T1D.
Yesterday I definitely ran low. Lately In the mornings I always kind of have a catch 22 because if I don’t give myself one unit of Humulog my blood sugar goes as high as 190 1.5 hours later. If I do give myself one unit of Humulog it runs as low as 60 (like it did yesterday) I always choose to go with the lower blood sugar. At night it was low because I shopped and then got home and tried on a BUNCH of clothes. We all know that can take a lot (of sugar) out of you! lol
One thing I have to say is low blood sugars don’t bother me as long as they are not below 60, as you can see I was right on the edge. I find that in the 50’s is when I start to get very shaky and have trouble functioning. From 60-80 I definitely feel it but I can kind of ignore it. I guess I try so hard not to go high that when it runs low I am internally a little happy. I am not even sure how low blood sugars effect the body long term because in general people are so hyper-focused on high blood sugar complications.I am going to ask my endocrinologist next time I go.
So here they are:
5:30am – 103
7:00am – 61
11:00am – 107
2pm – 69
4:30pm – 75
7:00pm – 111
9:30pm – 61
Have an awesome Friday and weekend! Its raining here in NY so I plan on watching movies and TV. I love a weekend like this every once in a while!